Video Camera images
Images taken with the GStar-Ex mono video camera and the Meade LX200 12 inch f/10 SCT.
Looking back 10 or so years after these images were taken it's easy to be dismissive of their rather basic quality which was primarily the product of the equipment then being used. But at the time they represented an enormous first step into the magic world of astro-imaging and I was inordinately proud of them. One might think that in the light of later imaging results these images should be gracefully retired from public view. But I rather think it better to keep them here as a reminder of how far low-cost imaging technology has progressed in the intervening years.
Looking back 10 or so years after these images were taken it's easy to be dismissive of their rather basic quality which was primarily the product of the equipment then being used. But at the time they represented an enormous first step into the magic world of astro-imaging and I was inordinately proud of them. One might think that in the light of later imaging results these images should be gracefully retired from public view. But I rather think it better to keep them here as a reminder of how far low-cost imaging technology has progressed in the intervening years.