Meade LX200 12 inch f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain
When the observatory was built it was initially ocupied by the Meade LX5 10 inch SCT. But that was replaced in 1998 by this LX200 12 inch SCT. It was a heavy beast but once set up on its massive equatorial wedge it handled easily. Its GoTo system was very good but was only ever handbox controlled. Despite many attempts I never did get it controlled from a laptop via ASCOM. Nor was it ever autoguided. But that was not a particular drawback when using this 'scope with the GStar-Ex mono video camera - see video imaging technique. However autoguiding and computer control are pretty much essential for long exposure CCD camera imaging and it was for that reason that this 'scope was demounted and replaced in the observatory by the new Vixen R200SS 8 inch Newtonian.
Update May 2015 This 'scope has now found a new home with the Western Sydney Amateur Astronomy Group where it will be used by members and visitors at their Linden observing site in the Blue Mountains. Farewell old friend. |